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Showing posts from June, 2019

Year 2 SATs Results

Earlier this term, children in Year 2 at state schools all over England took their SATs tests. SATs tests are used to inform teacher assessment. Schools have a legal responsibility to inform parents of their child’s national curriculum assessment results. Most schools will add in a results page in children’s end of year reports. What results will be reported? Teachers will give a judgement on your child’s standards in Reading, Writing, Maths and Science. Children will be assessed as: Working towards the expected standard (Below where children are expected to be at the end of KS1) Working at the expected standard                               (Where children are expected to be at the end of KS1) Working at great depth within the expected standard (Children with a very secure understanding of concepts cover...

Review of Gangsta Granny by Heartbreak Productions.

In 10 years time, my children won’t specifically remember the occasions that I picked them up from school, cooked our favourite pasta dish or watched their swimming lesson. But they will remember some of things that we did that were out of the ordinary. They will remember some of the memories that we made together. As we headed out of the door on Friday evening, I knew we were making memories. I was just hoping it wasn’t going to be because the whole family had got soaked to the skin sitting in a park on a Friday night watching a play. We had a flask full of hot chocolate, a box of malteasers and some large umbrellas borrowed from a neighbour. We were heading to a Heartbreak Productions outdoor show in Walsall Arboretum. It was pretty exciting heading out in the evening and walking through an empty park to get to the bandstand where the show was being staged. When I told Little Lady what we were going to see, she was extremely excited. In fact, we all were because ...