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Showing posts from May, 2020

Accidental Homeschooling

Along with millions of other parents around the country, I’m suddenly an accidental home schooler. Whilst some children are due back at school soon, for others there could be many more weeks of home school. Over 15 years of teaching experience means that I didn’t feel the rise of panic that many other parents faced. I have access to resources and have ideas up my sleeve to fall back on. However, there have been challenges and over the weeks of accidental homeschooling, I’ve certainly changed my approach along the way to make life a little easier. Less is More! An experienced homeschooler once told me that she only had to do a few hours a day to cover the whole curriculum with her child. Impossible, I thought. Children are at school for over 6 hours a day. It’s hard for teachers to fit everything in.     I now find that it is indeed possible. 1 to 1 for most children means that things can be covered much more quickly.     A couple of hours of good concent...