Hitting New York as a family, we were full of excitement and anticipation. We were waiting outside a store for it to open at 9am! We took selfies and videos of the famous sites in Times Square. But soon after that legs were tired. Temperatures were rising and humidity was close to 50%. It was with a sigh of relief that we entered the cool of National Geographic Encounter. Little people will only walk so far and look at so many famous buildings.
Ocean Odyssey is an immersive experience that uses the latest technology to take you under the ocean. Our expectations were high as we ‘took the dive’ to our first location- the shallows of the South Pacific. Fish swam under our feet and adults and children jumped around as the creatures interacted with us. Jellyfish responded as we moved our arms and got up close. We loved the fact that Ocean Odyssey isn’t a show that you sit back and watch but an experience that you can interact with. Those tired little legs suddenly weren’t tired anymore.
The was so much to see but one of the highlights was ‘The Ocean at Night’. As we entered an almost pitch black room, the ocean came alive with sounds of the night. We could see enormous whales swimming within a few feet of us. But I loved closing my eyes and just listening. I was worried that Little Lady might be frightened but, as she sat on my lap, she was just listening too. There was a dark underwater world of sound that we had never imagined.
I had thought that the Ocean Odyssey would be great for children and keep them happy and occupied. It was and it did. However, as an adult I had a really great time. I had expected high quality images and video, and that was all there. I hadn’t expected to have so much fun interacting with the visual effects.
My family’s favourite part was the 3D experience. Little Lady loved putting the 3D goggles on and watching ocean creatures swimming seemingly within touching distance. It was so fast paced and cleverly filmed that it felt like we were actually there with the animals.
We ended the journey with ‘Clean Up the Ocean’. As a family, we have become more and more concerned about the impact of plastic on the ocean. In this section, through multi-media screens, games and images, the message really hit home. After witnessing the incredible creatures inhabiting our oceans, the message to protect our oceans was loud and clear.
National Geographic Encounter is a unique place for families to visit right in the middle of New York. The average visit time is 90-120 minutes and you move around most of the experience as a group before having free time in the ‘Exploration Hall’. I would recommend the experience for ages 5 all the way through to adulthood. For children with an interest in the ocean, or those studying oceans at school, the National Geographic Encounter will truly bring the topic to life. Tickets are expensive but then it is New York and this is a brilliant treat for children and adults alike.
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